European Commission – New European Bauhaus (NEB) Initiative

Developing Evaluation Criteria for Transdisciplinarity & Participatory Processes

The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. With its motto is ‘beautiful, sustainable, together”, the initiative supports projects that focus on creating enriching, sustainable and inclusive places, practices and experiences across Europe. In today’s multi-faceted world of research and funding, evaluation of projects has become central for proving their accountability and assessing their success in terms of impact and outcomes. Each project has its own setting, set of actors, and context; therefore, each evaluation is unique to this project. In my role as an Expert to the Commission, I developed a set of evaluation indicators and questions for the NEB’s key principles of Transdisciplinarity, Participatory Processes, and a Multi-Level Approach.

NEB Capacity-Building Series: Workshop on Participatory Approaches & Incentives

What exactly is a participatory approach? What makes engagement with stakeholders go well? And where can I find advice and guidance?

I addressed these questions and more in my Workshop on Participatory Approaches for the NEB (held on 11 Nov 2022). In addition to an introduction to the topic and an illustrative case study, I dive deeper into the issue of incentives: How can we incentivise participants to join our events, and how can we start seeing our work with their eyes in terms of why they should contribute? The NEB community had the chance to hear about and work on these questions during the first session of the Capacity-Building Series. Subsequently, I turned the results from the interactive exercises into a “Workbook on Incentives for Participation”, focusing on nine different stakeholder groups and what might incentivise them to join your project (download below!).

Download the Workbook!

Download the Workbook on Incentives for Participatory Approaches here