In the focus of my research around stakeholder engagement stand the scientists who do the engagement – so those researchers who initiate, plan and conduct engagement activities. Whereas the views of stakeholders on engagement are rather well-researched, there is not much published yet about the viewpoints of these ‘engagers’ on the process. I am convinced, however, that how we, as scientists, experience and think about engagement has a big influence on the methods we choose, the relationships we have with our stakeholders and, ultimately, the results that we create in exchange with them.

My research therefore circulates around understanding how marine scientists experience and reflect on their own engagement practices.

Stakeholder Engagement vs. Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing measures are severely impacting stakeholder engagement in marine research projects. How do scientists experience this challenge? How do they cope and which alternative engagement approaches do they choose?

A Typology of ‘Engagers’

How do marine scientists experience their engagement with stakeholders? What are their motivations to engage? And how do they view their relationships with ‘their’ stakeholders? Here we seek to develop a typology of different ways of how scientists engage with stakeholders.


WKSHOES characterized potential stakeholder interaction goals as well as the key elements of an ICES Stakeholder Engagement Strategy to achieve these goals. It also described key elements of a potential strategy, e.g. objectives, roles, principles, boundaries, monitoring, evaluation, etc. This will be further developed by ICES Advice and Science Committees.